Start Time Transcript Speaker
00:00:00.0 What shape, size…what shape, image or symbol would you use to represent your graphic education? Where would it go on this sheet and what size would it be? IJS
00:00:16.4 [rustling of sheet] I think [unclear]. 168
00:00:51.1 Uh-huh. Okay. Is that most important? IJS
00:00:56.7 Yeah, very important. Yeah. 168
00:00:59.1 So, you’ve drawn there a pencil. And it was really important to have it [unclear] as well, so… IJS
00:01:07.6 Well also I thought it might be really important. But now I’m thinking maybe it’s more important not to have it… 168
00:01:13.2 Go on. IJS
00:01:14.0 ‘Cause then you’re forced to [unclear]. You might have to actually, like… [unclear] 168
00:01:20.6 Uh-huh. IJS
00:01:21.4 But then it looks like a more accurate pencil now [unclear] so I [unclear]. 168
00:01:26.6 Okay. IJS
00:01:26.7 [laughing] 168
00:01:28.6 Alright. If that’s, um, graphic education, I want you to think now about, and just say to you, so what’s that made up of? What are the main divisions of this graphic education? It could be time, conceptually, project-based… If for you, I say, ‘What are the main divisions of that education?’ what are they? IJS
00:01:52.9 Um, what do you mean by ‘division’? 168
00:01:54.1 It could be conceptually, it could be by years, it could be, um, uh, by place or time or when I say, ‘What are the parts of your graphic design education,’ um, the dominant parts for you of it, what were they? IJS
00:02:16.8 Mm. I’m thinking back to when I started my design education. 168
00:02:23.6 Uh-huh. IJS
00:02:24.1 And it all started on a computer. Which is funny because [unclear]. 168
00:02:28.5 Uh-huh. IJS
00:02:29.4 And, um, I was thinking, like, maybe a mountain, like in peaks. 168
00:02:38.8 Okay. IJS
00:02:39.3 It’s kind of like [rustling of sheet] you’re climbing a mountain and every time you get a bit better at something, there’s always potential to fall back a little. 168
00:02:52.7 Right. Okay. So is this mountain orientated towards me? IJS
00:02:59.7 [laughing] No, it’s like this! 168
00:03:02.8 [laughing] IJS
00:03:02.9 I just like that it carries on from the pencil. 168
00:03:05.6 Yeah. Right. That’s the peak of it. IJS
00:03:09.9 Yeah. 168
00:03:10.6 Yeah. Okay. So that suggests this is the beginning of education – you had the biggest peak to climb there. Is that right? IJS
00:03:22.4 Mm. Well I was going to think about it more from this perspective… because…like because it all started in, um, in, like, secondary school… 168
00:03:31.2 Uh-huh. IJS
00:03:31.7 …when all I used to do was sit around and draw stuff with a pencil… 168
00:03:36.1 Yeah. IJS
00:03:37.0 …and then my art teacher said, ‘You’ll never get anywhere as an artist if you don’t know how to paint.’ 168
00:03:42.6 Okay. IJS
00:03:42.8 And I said, ‘I don’t want to paint – I just want to draw cartoons’. So I kept on drawing with a pencil. And then somewhere along the way, at some point, it was like, you have to [unclear]. And I was like, trying [unclear]. 168
00:04:03.6 Uh-huh. IJS
00:04:04.4 And then I wasn’t allowed to do BTEC at secondary school, even though I did want to do it. 168
00:04:12.3 Uh-huh. IJS
00:04:13.4 It was like, I had to stop doing art for a year. Instead I did photography. 168
00:04:16.4 Uh-huh. IJS
00:04:17.1 Which was good. ‘Cause I got good marks in it. And it was in that year that I found out what graphic design was. 168
00:04:23.4 Mm. IJS
00:04:23.7 And, uh, and my photography teacher said, ‘Maybe you should do that.’ And that was, like, the final piece, I guess, for me, in my head. 168
00:04:33.2 Yeah? IJS
00:04:33.7 And now I’m, I’m standing at the top of the mountain. 168
00:04:36.7 Right. IJS
00:04:37.2 Yeah. 168
00:04:38.1 Now this is [unclear]. So now you are… do you want to plant yourself there? IJS
00:04:48.0 Yeah. [rustling of sheet] 168
00:04:51.2 What’s interesting about, uh, what you said there is that, uh – that’s a glorious picture – is that that peak was enforced by somebody. IJS
00:05:08.9 Mm. 168
00:05:09.5 And it had been uncomfortable but then there was a rise after it. IJS
00:05:13.7 Yeah, it was like, uh, in school I was trying to be forced into it. 168
00:05:19.4 Uh-huh. IJS
00:05:19.7 And then [clearing throat] I got a mentor in my last year, he used to come to my house because he was a friend of a friend. Um. He also really good at drawing. 168
00:05:30.2 Uh-huh. IJS
00:05:30.7 And there was…there was certain… I could only draw certain styles and in a certain way and I really felt very doubtful and he said, ‘Well I can teach you different things,’ and he, like, got me started with paints and that. 168
00:05:42.9 Uh-huh. IJS
00:05:43.4 So it was an informal… 168
00:05:44.5 Yeah. It sounds as though that second one was, um, was different circumstances but again [unclear] going to be manoeuvred in some way you’d not intended. IJS
00:05:58.9 Yeah. Definitely. 168
00:06:01.8 Yeah. So my next question was challenges. IJS
00:06:04.5 Mm. 168
00:06:05.7 Is that the main challenges you’ve had or…or are there others you could mark on there? IJS
00:06:10.8 I think [unclear] university was…was more. 168
00:06:14.1 Okay. How would you represent those challenges on here? Where would they go? What would they look like? And what are they? IJS
00:06:23.7 [rustling of sheet] would be a big black hole. A little pessimistic, but… 168
00:06:45.3 That’s quite a force – a big black hole? IJS
00:06:47.0 Yeah. 168
00:06:48.4 What…what is that? IJS
00:06:50.9 Um. Well I’ve…I’ve reached the top of my, like, mountain. 168
00:06:54.7 Mm. IJS
00:06:55.3 Which is good. But like I said, there’s the constant tension to fall off. 168
00:06:59.2 Okay. IJS
00:07:00.0 So you’ve got to stay on it. 168
00:07:01.1 Right. So it’s not just that you would slide down the side. There is somehow a big, black… IJS
00:07:10.1 Mm. 168
00:07:10.9 …tunnel down… IJS
00:07:12.7 Yes. 168
00:07:13.9 …into a dark pit. IJS
00:07:15.0 Yeah. Basically it’s like you… I’m up there. I go past the, like, preliminary goals of getting into education or getting to where I want to be some day… 168
00:07:27.2 Yeah. IJS
00:07:28.3 …but now I’m in the education, if I don’t make the best of it then it’ll be that big black hole. 168
00:07:35.0 Right. IJS
00:07:35.7 And I’ll regret everything so far. 168
00:07:37.8 Right. So… And are there any particular challenges then that you could name that took you around that black hole? IJS
00:07:50.9 Um. Well that’s navigating me around it. 168
00:07:55.4 Um…challenges that took you towards it, which you’ve obviously escaped from. IJS
00:08:05.1 You want me to write them? 168
00:08:06.1 Whatever you want to do, yeah. IJS
00:08:08.6 [rustling of sheet] 168
00:08:20.5 Expectation? IJS
00:08:21.9 Yeah. From yourself, maybe. 168
00:08:26.5 Yourself? IJS
00:08:27.9 Yeah. Um. The ego… [rustling of sheet] is involved there. And then… something else. [rustling of sheet]. That’s a big one. Time. 168
00:08:50.9 Time? In what sense? IJS
00:08:52.0 Um, I used to hang out and like really um [clearing throat], be anxious about leaving a mark of doing…doing something to be remembered by. 168
00:09:05.1 Mm. IJS
00:09:05.8 And now, I feel it’s not so much about leaving something to be remembered by, but having something to remember. 168
00:09:12.7 Okay. IJS
00:09:14.4 Mm. So it’s like, I’ve now realised that it’s not about trying to live for a…it’s about trying to live the best life you can whilst you’ve still got it. 168
00:09:26.5 Mm. IJS
00:09:27.4 ‘Cause that still feels scary, though because you’ve only got a few days… 168
00:09:32.8 Alright. IJS
00:09:34.5 Well you’ve got loads of days but you know what I mean? [unclear] 168
00:09:39.2 Yeah. What about then, if I say, these are your challenge around it. Any particular highlights of your graphic education? IJS
00:09:52.5 Mm. Mm. That’s funny. Uh. Highlights of my graphic education would be a team put together [rustling of sheet] when I design some posters for a clock, which is hilarious. Which we were just talking about. 168
00:10:13.4 Uh-huh. IJS
00:10:15.3 [rustling of sheet] 168
00:10:20.7 Posters for a clock? IJS
00:10:22.8 Yeah, I, um. Basically I got asked with a few of my other students to take part in, like, a workshop where we designed a series of posters for [a national] embassy. 168
00:10:35.7 Okay. IJS
00:10:35.8 And that was, like, the biggest design that I’ve done so far. 168
00:10:39.5 Yeah. IJS
00:10:40.2 I was really happy with the outcome. And I got to, uh, I got to… We got taken out and like had our breakfast paid for… champagne all day. It was like a big, kind of, event. It was really, really nice. And I got a medal, which I gave to my mum. So that was really nice. 168
00:10:57.2 Nice. Okay. Um. Are there ways, then, on there of what it was? Is was, uh…uh, there’s something joyous… IJS
00:11:07.7 Mm. 168
00:11:08.2 …about that experience. IJS
00:11:12.4 [rustling of sheet] [mumbling] There’s a signpost. 168
00:11:47.8 Good. IJS
00:11:48.7 It’s a happy medal. 168
00:11:49.9 Yeah? Good. Education sorted. Um. That will be [unclear] potentially in perhaps less than a year and there will be something else emerging. Um. Now I’d like us to put aside for the moment professional, and think wider. So thinking about hopes and aspirations maybe there. But personal, spiritual, cultural, creative, family. These kinds of arenas. We’ll come back to professional. It’s not committing to a particular way of life, it’s just about when you think about wider life from here, do you see anything? In which case, how would you visualise that? If you don’t see anything, [laughing] how would you visualise that? IJS
00:12:52.9 Uh… I’d have, like, I see too much. 168
00:12:56.2 Mm. IJS
00:12:56.7 I know that’s a problem because, uh, what… 168
00:13:02.7 Besides your profession. IJS
00:13:03.5 Mm, yeah. There’s, like…even outside of profession… 168
00:13:07.5 Uh-huh. IJS
00:13:08.2 …there’s a lot of avenues to try and walk down. 168
00:13:11.2 Right. Sounds [unclear]. IJS
00:13:13.5 Um. Say the question again, so I’ve got it in my head. 168
00:13:22.4 So you are here in… looking ahead to wider life. What do you see? How would you visualise what you see? If you do see something, and the second part is if you don’t see anything, how would you visualise that? So it sounds as though the question for you is how could you visualise what you see ahead, outside of your profession? [rustling of sheet] You’ve got plenty to go on this sheet. IJS
00:13:57.7 [rustling of sheet] [unclear]. 168
00:14:28.2 Right. Is this the profile? IJS
00:14:30.3 Uh, kind of. It’s like, um, the conscious and the unconscious mind. 168
00:14:39.8 Okay. Which one’s which in there? IJS
00:14:42.7 Uh, well I think for me the conscious one would be the, uh… That’s an interesting question, actually. ‘Cause, um, it’s like, you know…you know Carl Jung? 168
00:14:58.8 Yeah. IJS
00:14:58.9 He… I watched a great video recently where he talks about the pain of trying to fit into a world where you’re part of a collective unconscious but you’re also an individual with your own subconscious. 168
00:15:14.0 Uh-huh. IJS
00:15:14.6 And that…yeah. I never thought of a good translation… Um. I think this one’s the conscious. [rustling of sheet] And that’s the unconscious. 168
00:15:30.0 Uh-huh. So, let’s look ahead. What do you see? What’s in your wider life? It sounds as though there’s some conscious things? What are those conscious things? IJS
00:15:53.1 Um. Aims or expectation. Well, predictions of [unclear]. I used to want to live a long life. But now I just kind of want to live a happy life. [rustling of sheet] [mumbling] I don’t know. [laughing] Um. [mumbling] Um. Hopefully, you know, happiness is in my future. Other than that, I can’t just [unclear]. 168
00:16:52.2 Uh-huh. [unclear]. IJS
00:16:58.3 [sniffing] [rustling of sheet] Could be, like, being able to put my feet up and relax. [rustling of sheet] Uh. And still have the time to be…working on things I like. So time as my work. Food in my belly. A roof over my head. Pretty much set. 168
00:17:46.2 Okay. So is that a roof over your head? IJS
00:17:50.7 Well [unclear]. 168
00:17:54.6 But this…this roof, is…do you own this roof? IJS
00:17:59.8 Mm… 168
00:18:00.4 Or are you simply under this roof? IJS
00:18:04.4 Um. I think… Well you see I’d like to say that I’m happy with using it, as long as I’m under it and I’m happy. 168
00:18:15.0 Mm. IJS
00:18:15.5 I think I want… I’d like to live under my roof, though. I’d want to feel the satisfaction at that point. 168
00:18:21.8 Uh-huh. IJS
00:18:22.7 I’ve accomplished something… 168
00:18:24.0 Uh-huh. IJS
00:18:24.4 …and I get the reward for that. 168
00:18:26.3 Mm. IJS
00:18:26.9 All my fear, all my needs are… is that my own house, which wouldn’t be falling apart, [unclear] heated and warm… 168
00:18:33.8 Uh-huh. IJS
00:18:34.4 …I don’t mind. 168
00:18:35.1 Okay. Yeah. Okay. Wider life. Somewhere in this is some element of professional life. I’m wondering what that professional life looks like to you from here and where does it go on the sheet? IJS
00:19:01.2 Professional life. Mm. I always want to keep working my hands, keep trying to draw something. 168
00:19:17.4 Uh-huh. IJS
00:19:18.0 [unclear]. [rustling of sheet] Um. I think… [rustling of sheet] [sound of mobile phone] [unclear]. Good work. Developing a style, being recognised for my work. “It’s so good!”. 168
00:19:58.1 Is that applause? IJS
00:19:58.9 Yes. I think it’s 100% the most important thing. I think it’s important to feel appreciated… [rustling of sheet] 168
00:20:16.8 So if you get applause, will you [unclear] good work? IJS
00:20:25.9 Um… [clearing throat] I think it’s part of it. 168
00:20:30.7 Uh-huh. IJS
00:20:31.6 Especially being a graphic designer. Because more often than not you’re working for other people. 168
00:20:37.0 Uh-huh. IJS
00:20:38.4 So it’s important that people enjoy using all the [unclear] artwork that you made. 168
00:20:46.0 Uh-huh. IJS
00:20:47.2 Even if…even if you go completely subversive and throw the client out the window, you should still make it nice to look at and enjoy. 168
00:20:58.3 Uh-huh. IJS
00:20:58.4 Kinda… 168
00:20:59.5 Alright. IJS
00:21:00.1 It’s…it’s interesting. ‘Cause… we were talking the other day about how fine artists don’t…don’t really have to pull their… subject… subjectivity back at all. Whereas we kind of have to make it…we have to reconceptualise the things that we’re interested in… don’t make them subjective. 168
00:21:23.4 Uh-huh. IJS
00:21:23.8 And help people understand it. So I guess that ties into it. 168
00:21:28.5 Uh-huh. Okay. Um. IJS
00:21:32.6 But I’m [unclear], so that’s kind of weird. 168
00:21:36.1 Okay, yeah. IJS
00:21:37.2 [laughing] 168
00:21:38.4 But also [unclear] adjacent with the pencil, so the professional adjacent to education. Um. You touched on this, but not by name, and it is, we’ve got three domains now, which is graphic education, wider life ahead, your professional life, but there’s an entity lurking in here, another domain we talk about so much, particularly in graphic design, and it’s ‘the industry’. IJS
00:22:15.6 Mm. 168
00:22:16.3 ‘The industry’ is somewhere. Sometimes the industry [unclear] school. IJS
00:22:23.7 Yeah. 168
00:22:23.8 And then these…um, and what I’d like to know is the character of this industry. So where in relation to other stuff on here is the industry? Are you, in your profession, going to be inside it, outside it or somehow both? Uh, is it fixed or changing, in flux? What are the boundaries and edges, visually, to this industry? And what’s the name of this industry? So this is about the character of this industry and where does it go here. IJS
00:23:11.9 [rustling of sheet] Um… [clearing throat] So the industry is… [rustling of sheet] here. A UFO. 168
00:23:26.2 Okay. IJS
00:23:27.8 [mumbling] [rustling of sheet] It’s like this thing that nobody knows that much about or you can’t really predict. 168
00:23:44.1 Uh-huh. IJS
00:23:46.0 Well no, no you can’t. It’s something that’s kind of out of control of anybody that isn’t in the industry… 168
00:23:53.8 Okay. IJS
00:23:54.7 …and they can suck you up and you can become part of the industry. 168
00:23:57.3 Yeah. IJS
00:23:58.7 But only if you’re, like, an interesting specimen and they want to, like, probe you. 168
00:24:06.0 Mm. That’s [unclear] it’s kind of mythic quality as well [unclear]. IJS
00:24:16.7 Yeah. Just people to clone in their own image, really. 168
00:24:22.1 Yeah. IJS
00:24:22.6 But that doesn’t mean anything. 168
00:24:23.6 Uh-huh. IJS
00:24:25.1 [laughing] 168
00:24:25.8 But you said ‘being probed’ as well. IJS
00:24:27.8 Yeah. 168
00:24:28.4 Which is taking part of you? IJS
00:24:31.5 Yeah. I reckon it’s like, um…although I was saying I don’t really care about developing [unclear], but some good work… 168
00:24:38.9 Uh-huh. IJS
00:24:39.8 …and I think that’s because from making good work you develop this like… 168
00:24:43.1 Uh-huh. IJS
00:24:43.7 …you go through all of this personal development inside your head, just to get to this kind of idyllic place in your work. 168
00:24:54.0 Uh-huh. IJS
00:24:54.9 And it’s like a culmination of everything you’ve learnt and everything you enjoy and you’re interested in. 168
00:24:59.4 Yeah. IJS
00:24:59.8 And then industry is this crazy UFO has the potential to come down [rustling of sheet] and, like, take you up with it. And at some point it might decide that it’s done with you and it’s bored… and it drops you back down like cows. 168
00:25:24.6 Okay. Yeah. Uh-huh. It’s also, I sense, I hear from you, that it’s miles away. IJS
00:25:34.7 Yeah. 168
00:25:36.0 From profession. IJS
00:25:36.7 Yeah. 168
00:25:37.2 In fact, from everything. IJS
00:25:38.1 Mm. 168
00:25:38.6 There’s quite a gulf of nothingness, compared to what that is, but there’s also, um, UFOs in sci-fi now are very dangerous kind of unknowns. IJS
00:25:56.6 Mm. 168
00:25:57.2 It’s not sort of… IJS
00:25:59.7 Scientific, um, aspect, kind of… 168
00:26:02.9 Uh-huh. There’s almost this threat that they’re coming down. IJS
00:26:06.7 See, this is the thing. It’s like we… Yeah, if…if UFOs came down now, you’d like to think, if they have the technology for travel, if that’s civilised [unclear]  come all the way over here, they wouldn’t do it for no reason. So that probably, if like… Well, fortunately [unclear] they came to the conclusion that if they got to that point in their technology, they would evolve past the need for violence and they probably would be, like, a kind of really highly evolved race. Um. 168
00:26:42.7 So is that this industry? IJS
00:26:43.9 [clearing throat] That has…that’s…that’s the hub, but then there’s also the kind of…uh, were pretty bad at looking after our planet. If someone was looking down and this was a test or something, don’t think we’re doing a very good job. 168
00:26:58.8 Right. IJS
00:27:00.3 So it probably…it probably would be a violent UFO. 168
00:27:04.7 Okay. IJS
00:27:06.9 That’s the mystery. You don’t know where the industry’s going to go [unclear]. 168
00:27:11.2 Yeah. What is the name of your UFO? What is the name of this industry? IJS
00:27:21.7 Mm. [pause] Um. I would say [unclear] but shall I just give it a name? 168
00:27:32.1 Yeah. Give it a name. IJS
00:27:35.2 [sighing] Okay. [rustling of sheet]. The Watchers. 168
00:28:00.5 Okay. IJS
00:28:03.7 Okay, there’s… Basically they’re just you and me and everybody else. There’s nothing different. 168
00:28:10.9 Mm. IJS
00:28:11.3 Even though they’re in a UFO. 168
00:28:13.0 Uh-huh. IJS
00:28:14.0 They’re just watching you, looking at your work like a [unclear]. 168
00:28:17.8 Mm. IJS
00:28:18.4 But the fact that they’re in a UFO means that they can do different things to what the public audience can do. 168
00:28:24.4 And also that suggests to me that, um, they’ve got, uh, that these being that pull you in, in their time… IJS
00:28:33.5 Uh-huh. 168
00:28:34.3 …if they decide, and your ability to go into this industry is entirely at their say-so? IJS
00:28:47.2 Yeah, ’cause [unclear], which is why I have to keep working on [unclear]. 168
00:28:54.0 Uh-huh. IJS
00:28:54.7 You buy your own pencils, like, 500 [unclear]. 168
00:29:03.4 Uh-huh. So is that something as… This is… You added this on as a profession. IJS
00:29:09.6 Uh-huh. 168
00:29:09.9 Um, but it sounds almost there as though, uh, what’s most important is production, by pencil, of work. Um. Pencil being the effort for… IJS
00:29:26.0 Yeah. 168
00:29:27.4 But production of work and payment for it secondary? IJS
00:29:33.6 Oh, absolutely, yeah. 168
00:29:35.0 Right. IJS
00:29:35.7 Yeah. My mum [unclear]. I always said this. If I had to, I would sleep on a day mattress in an alleyway… as long as I could keep drawing pretty pictures… 168
00:29:46.0 Uh-huh. What was her reaction to that? IJS
00:29:50.7 Uh, ‘You’re so naive. Wait until you get out into the world. It’s one of those things. Blah, blah, blah. Money’s important. You need independence.’ Oh that’s it. She always says, ‘Are you still going to say that when you’ve got no food in your stomach and no food on the table or in the fridge?’ 168
00:30:10.3 Right. IJS
00:30:12.5 Which is like, ‘Oh yeah.’ And then it’s the whole [unclear]. 168
00:30:19.3 Uh-huh. Okay. [unclear] on…on here is that there is this, uh, gulf, gap, uh, space… [laughing] IJS
00:30:33.4 Mm. 168
00:30:34.0 …uh, between everything else which is related to the watchers. IJS
00:30:40.5 Yeah. 168
00:30:41.4 Uh. What is this gap? IJS
00:30:45.4 Um. Is the gap money? [rustling of sheet] 168
00:30:57.2 Uh-huh. IJS
00:31:03.3 You know, even after they probe you about [unclear] money, to try and [unclear]. 168
00:31:07.3 Okay. So are you suggesting the money’s there, where the watchers are? IJS
00:31:13.0 Yeah. 168
00:31:13.6 You’re not underneath that… You’re not in the beam at the moment. IJS
00:31:19.3 No. 168
00:31:20.3 But in order to get to some of what they’ve got, which is this money. IJS
00:31:23.9 Uh-huh. 168
00:31:24.8 You may have to place yourself under this beam? IJS
00:31:26.8 Yeah. Definitely. That’s…that’s hit the nail on the head. 168
00:31:31.0 Right. Okay. Um. But at risk of probing more [unclear]. IJS
00:31:38.3 Well it’s like, um, like what I said about, uh, everything. Like, your good work being a culmination of all this on the right. 168
00:31:49.4 Uh-huh. IJS
00:31:49.9 And, you know, from doing good work you create a style, you…you evolve a style. And then that style is really important because it’s what distinguishes you from everybody else’s good work. 168
00:32:05.1 Uh-huh. IJS
00:32:05.9 But when industry probes you, they put that style into [unclear]. 168
00:32:13.8 Uh-huh. IJS
00:32:14.3 Yeah. It becomes trendy or it’s there ’cause it’s trendy. And then, in a bit, it’ll become untrendy and you have to sit around being untrendy, waiting for your trendy thing to come back into… 168
00:32:30.8 Right. IJS
00:32:32.3 …the cycle of fashion. 168
00:32:33.0 Okay. So they could mould you into something that you’re… I’m getting the essence of what you’re talking about is timeless… and you think in order to beam up and get money, that you might have to contort your work to be, as you said, on trend, rather than a timeless quality to it? IJS
00:33:04.3 Yeah, I think that’s…that’s pretty accurate. I mean, for me, uh, good work is timeless and that’s when work becomes good. 168
00:33:12.4 Uh-huh. IJS
00:33:13.3 Um. And then it almost feels like when it’s done for industry or it’s had too much involvement with industry, perhaps, when it’s too much motivated by industry, it loses its sincerity. 168
00:33:30.9 Okay. IJS
00:33:32.3 Well that’s what…that’s what can risk happening. 168
00:33:34.5 Uh-huh. IJS
00:33:35.0 So it’s…it’s the constant divide between [clearing throat] surviving, making one happy, buying a Ferrari at the end of the day or Pandora [unclear]. 168
00:33:46.0 Right. IJS
00:33:46.6 Which it [unclear]. [laughing] Or, you know, living in the other bit so you can make good work. 168
00:33:58.4 Right. IJS
00:33:58.9 I guess it’s…it’s…it’s…it’s interesting because I’m stuck in an alleyway sitting on [unclear] box or whatever. All… making good work and it’ll be good work to me because [unclear]. 168
00:34:14.9 Uh-huh. IJS
00:34:15.4 But nobody else is going to see it. 168
00:34:16.5 Uh-huh. IJS
00:34:17.2 So it’s like a struggle between, um, getting recognition by other people for the good things that you do and not letting the good, timeless things go to waste, get eaten up by something that’s insincere or…or not…doesn’t have the best intentions. 168
00:34:43.2 Mm. There’s a real tension. ‘Cause [unclear] like that money. The implication there is it may also bring you some recognition? IJS
00:34:55.6 But there’s no guarantee. 168
00:34:57.2 Okay. Alright. IJS
00:35:02.3 It’s like you need…you need the two. 168
00:35:04.2 Mm. IJS
00:35:05.3 But you have to find the right balance. 168
00:35:06.4 Okay. IJS
00:35:07.5 And I could actually draw a massive, um, scale, a balancing scale. That would be quite nice. 168
00:35:13.4 Yeah. IJS
00:35:15.5 [sniffing] [rustling of sheet] [mumbling] 168
00:35:40.4 Okay. That’s a scale. What’s on that end of the scale, then? What’s on the other side of the scale? IJS
00:35:48.0 This is… 168
00:35:52.1 [unclear]. IJS
00:35:53.8 Yeah, yeah, yes. So it’s… 168
00:35:59.2 Yeah. IJS
00:36:00.5 …industry, um, personal kind of… 168
00:36:05.0 So that is… IJS
00:36:08.0 So that can be money [rustling of sheet] 168
00:36:16.5 But also potential recognition. IJS
00:36:32.4 Mm. [rustling of sheet]. Transitions. 168
00:36:42.1 [unclear] IJS
00:36:44.3 It’s a ghost, and it’s a ghost because it’s really scary, that transition period. 168
00:36:57.4 Mm. IJS
00:36:57.7 And it’s the scary ghost of [unclear]: ‘You’re good enough to attend art school’… 168
00:37:06.3 Mm. IJS
00:37:07.6 …’You are not good enough to attend art school.’ 168
00:37:10.2 Mm. Ghoulish, then? IJS
00:37:13.2 Yeah. 168
00:37:14.6 Yeah. IJS
00:37:15.2 It’s ugly because it has the potential to be a nice interesting thing – ghosts. They’re great and I love them but they are scary. 168
00:37:26.8 Uh-huh. And that’s going into that? IJS
00:37:31.5 Yeah, because fear is totally present in all these things. But it’s just not going to [unclear]. 168
00:37:37.2 Alright. That’s coming in, realising this. [sound of police siren] There’s now a transition from here to professional. Now it’s coming up, kind of reasonably immediate. IJS
00:37:53.8 Right around the corner. 168
00:37:55.0 Yeah. What do you visualise that transition as being? IJS
00:38:00.4 What, this transition? 168
00:38:01.8 The transition from your graphic education to after graphic education. Profession, maybe industry. IJS
00:38:14.6 [pause] [rustling of sheet] I’m trying to think of how to draw reward… [rustling of sheet]. I think the Sun is quite rewarding. 168
00:38:35.2 Uh-huh. IJS
00:38:36.3 Because it’s always present, kind of… I was thinking about this the other day. If the sun was your girlfriend, she’d be the perfect girlfriend… because she’d always come back to you the next day. 168
00:38:46.1 Right. IJS
00:38:47.0 No matter how much you [unclear]. 168
00:38:48.2 Right. IJS
00:38:49.1 Um. So the sun is like… a reward [rustling of sheet] 168
00:39:00.5 That sounds to me… That transition sounds really easy. It sounds like all you need to do is go into the daylight. Go outside, hope there’s no clouds and you’ll get the reward. IJS
00:39:13.5 Yeah, definitely. Well even if there are clouds, it’s…it’s all about, like…it’s not…it’s not a physical sun. It’s like a positive mental attitude. 168
00:39:24.2 Uh-huh. IJS
00:39:25.8 So, you know, from [unclear] all this, making the good work and moving on from it… 168
00:39:32.4 Uh-huh. IJS
00:39:33.1 …you get the reward of mental clarity and not having to worry about these things anymore. 168
00:39:39.2 Okay. IJS
00:39:41.6 You get this… From that [sound of phone] mental clarity, which is the reward for it all, you get kind of basking in the warmth of that clarity. And it is in the sun [unclear]. 168
00:39:53.5 Okay. Right. Well, it is, uh, what? Nearly ten months’ now, um, let’s call it a year. IJS
00:40:05.3 Mm. 168
00:40:05.9 You’ve got this year ahead remaining in this graphic education. Given everything you’ve got on here, what is the very best use of that time for you, this next year, here? IJS
00:40:23.1 Mm. [rustling of sheet] Um. [unclear] rope. 168
00:40:52.1 [unclear] rope. IJS
00:40:53.4 Yeah. 168
00:40:53.5 Uh-huh. IJS
00:40:55.3 [mumbling] Uh, the best use of this year would be to get as much help as possible. 168
00:41:07.0 Uh-huh. IJS
00:41:08.4 [mumbling] 168
00:41:10.8 So is that you wringing this rope for? IJS
00:41:14.2 Yeah. Yeah, get as much of it as possible. Make… utilise the time, the time that’s left. 168
00:41:23.3 Uh-huh. IJS
00:41:25.1 Um. 168
00:41:26.6 And how would you draw that? IJS
00:41:28.2 Well, I might start with, my, tutors… 168
00:41:33.2 Uh-huh. IJS
00:41:34.8 …and… [rustling of sheet] 168
00:41:46.2 So [unclear] having that…another voice or a…a… IJS
00:41:56.6 Yeah, their experience… 168
00:41:58.2 Okay. IJS
00:41:58.6 …’cause they’ve been there and done what I’m about to do. 168
00:42:01.3 Uh-huh. IJS
00:42:02.2 That still leaves… [rustling of sheet] Um. [mumbling] Uh, also [unclear]. And we’ll all be happy. 168
00:42:38.9 Great. Good luck with that. IJS