profession wider

05 Crystal Nerve

18:23.8 At the moment, um, obviously I’ve not gone out into the wider world… but I… like the idea of it… I like… the idea of the lifestyle I could have… but would I want to be in an office all day, every day, you know, like, working in a bank or something?… The idea of not doing something creative doesn’t make me feel that good, you know?… Whilst graphics is kind of who I want to be professionally… I like to think I’m creative in the rest of my life… photography is my biggest hobby, you know, but I like making things and doing stuff… which can sometimes still be graphics but isn’t to do with work… The idea of not having time to do that or… not having that type of profession is something that really, really scares me.

21:07.2 Whilst I think graphics is a big part of who I am… and often the ethos… within design are the same ones that I like to practice in my everyday life… At the moment we’re designing… we’re talking about sustainability… but at the same time I like to live like that. I don’t see it as kind of nine-to-five and then you switch off and then go home [but] I don’t see work as my entire life… I have other things that… are important to me as well… I’ll call it Time, Design and Matter… This is the rest of my life and this is design… It’s kind of an equal thing.

29:34.7 I’m going to get there. But… I’m very nervous about a lot of stuff… Some people can kind of look for a job when they get home [after they] leave the city here… There isn’t companies… particularly where I live [rurally] for kind of long distances. But also I don’t think I have the self-discipline necessarily to freelance… It is scaring me. I’m very nervous… [so] I’m going to call this ‘the line of nerve’!… It’s not kind of a straight line. It’s, like, broader… I still have questions… Can I achieve both?… I don’t think so, no… I think it’s about making compromises… My sister went to a city that she really hated… and she had a really horrible time there. Therefore, it’s really important for me to be in a place that I like, for my own wellbeing, not just kind of personally, but creativity-wise. I think it’s easier to… be happy if you’re in a place you like… My partner has… other dreams as well that you have got to tie together… but we both do want to go back to [home] eventually.