
11 Mushed Line

16:37.1 I know a lot of people… set on where they want to go outside of their profession. A lot of people know that they want to have a certain amount of ideals and the kind of family or social life that they have. I think that for me it’s… much more confused… Because there are people who I’ll speak to one day and they won’t speak to me for a month… and there’s people I talk to a year ago and are completely not in contact with them. And the only people I’m really in constant contact with are the people I met through industry. So… I focus so much on who I know in the industry… the professional side of my life is so important. In terms of the social aspect… in a year’s time I don’t know where I’ll be working. Probably not in [this city]. I know a lot of people in the studio who do want to work in [this city] or who do want to stay in [this city] with… boyfriends, family, everything like that, whereas me, it’s a much more confused line. And there’s never really been any definition in terms of kind of … the personal side of my life. Because it’s much more unpredictable.

18:07.5 In terms of who you need and who you lose contact with, who you fall out with… it’s kind of strange for me in my own head because I have such a fixed idea… of where I’m going… yet this is so confused… just a kind of mush… When you start to get… confidence in where you’re going… this becomes less hazy and a bit more linear. But… it’s always… not going to have that definition that the professional line’s got… It starts to become tricky… when your professional life starts to kind of rupture a little bit and… you can’t sort of focus on anything and everything kind of becomes intertwined… In terms of the future… I don’t have any plans. I don’t know if I’ll settle down with anyone. If we’ll have kids. There’s no definition.