education wider

06 Pencil Peaks

02:16.8 I’m thinking back to when I started my design education… It’s kind of like you’re climbing a mountain and every time you get a bit better at something, there’s always potential to fall back a little… It all started in… secondary school… when all I used to do was sit around and draw stuff with a pencil… and then my art teacher said, ‘You’ll never get anywhere as an artist if you don’t know how to paint.’ And I said, ‘I don’t want to paint – I just want to draw cartoons’. So I kept on drawing with a pencil. And then I wasn’t allowed to do BTEC at secondary school, even though I did want to do it. I had to stop doing art for a year. Instead I did photography. Which was good ’cause I got good marks in it. And it was in that year that I found out what graphic design was… and my photography teacher said, ‘Maybe you should do that.’ And that was, like, the final piece, I guess, for me, in my head. And now I’m, I’m standing at the top of the mountain.

05:19.7 I got a mentor in my last year, he used to come to my house… He also really good at drawing. I could only draw certain styles and in a certain way and I really felt very doubtful and… he… got me started with paints and that… University was…more [challenging] 07:01.1 There’s the constant tension to fall off… if I don’t make the best of [education] then it’ll be that big black hole. And I’ll regret everything so far. [Expectation] from yourself, maybe: the ego is involved there. And then… time. I used to… be anxious about… doing something to be remembered by. And now, I feel it’s not so much about leaving something to be remembered by, but having something to remember. So it’s like, I’ve now realised that… it’s about trying to live the best life you can whilst you’ve still got it… That still feels scary, though because you’ve only got a few days… well you’ve got loads of days, but you know what I mean? 09:52.5 I got asked with a few… other students to take part in… a workshop where we designed a series of posters for [a national] embassy: the biggest design that I’ve done so far. I was really happy with the outcome. We got taken out and… had our breakfast paid for… champagne all day… a big… event. It was really, really nice. And I got a medal, which I gave to my mum. So that was really nice.

36:44.3 Transition [into university is]… a ghost because it’s really scary, that transition period. ‘You’re good enough to attend art school’… [versus] ‘You are not good enough to attend art school.’ It’s ugly because [whilst] it has the potential to be a nice interesting thing… they are scary… because fear is totally present in all these things. 40:55.3 The best use of this [final] year would be to get as much help as possible… utilise the time, the time that’s left… with my tutors… having… another voice. Yeah, their experience… ’cause they’ve been there and done what I’m about to do.