industry profession

01 Sea Vessels

32:25.2 You get two types of the industry… one that’s anchored down and they won’t change… they will just stick with what they know and they’ll get the same old client… and they’re not so keen on reinventing themselves or they’re used to print… They’re kind of just starting getting used to websites… The extreme ideas are too extreme for them. And awards – yeah, they would like them, but they know they’re probably not going to get them, so they’re just more interested in getting clients and their day-to-day business…

33:13.0 And then I think you get other types who are further out in the ocean… and they’re on like a surfboard… surfing the waves. And then you’ll get others, I think, that are doing ground-breaking work and are questioning people’s thoughts on certain topics… I couldn’t do just something that was just mind-numbingly, ‘Oh, we’ll stay with the same thing. Oh, you can’t do that because it will offend this person and this person and this person.’ I think if it’s good design it offends half the people because then people actually remember it… Because of the internet, industries are just getting blurred… it’s like a colour hue. There’s thicker parts of that industry where it’s bog-standard…but then science and arts will link, and then maybe history and English will link and they’re kind of all starting to blur together, and I think it’s because of the internet and people kind of experiment other passions they like.