
06 UFO Abduction

23:11.9 Industry is… a UFO… It’s something that’s kind of out of control of anybody that isn’t in the industry… and they can suck you up and you can become part of the industry. But only if you’re, like, an interesting specimen and they want to, like, probe you… Just people to clone in their own image… From making good work… you go through all of this personal development inside your head, just to get to this kind of idyllic place in your work. And it’s like a culmination of everything you’ve learnt and everything you enjoy and you’re interested in. And then industry… has the potential to come down and, like, take you up with it. And at some point it might decide that it’s done with you and it’s bored… and it drops you back down like cows… That’s the mystery. You don’t know where the industry’s going to go.

27:35.2 The Watchers. Basically they’re just you and me and everybody else. There’s nothing different. Even though they’re in a UFO. They’re just watching you, looking at your work. 31:49.9 From doing good work you… evolve a style. And then that style is really important because it’s what distinguishes you from everybody else’s good work. But when industry probes you… it becomes trendy or it’s there ’cause it’s trendy. And then, in a bit, it’ll become untrendy and you have to sit around being untrendy, waiting for your trendy thing to come back into… the cycle of fashion… Good work is timeless and that’s when work becomes good. And then it almost feels like when it’s done for industry or it’s had too much involvement with industry, perhaps, when it’s too much motivated by industry, it loses its sincerity.